Main buttons
- The main buttons are:
Create new topic, and
Sign up
- After using the Create New Account form you will be emailed a link to validate your email address.
Log in
Use username/email address and password.
Forgotten your password? Click “with email” to receive a login link.
- Click
to show appreciation for what someone has written!
When you are reading a topic, either:
- Just click “
Reply”; or
- To quote someone, select the relevant text and select the “
Quote” button that pops up.
- Just click “
When you receive an email notification, you can reply to the forum by replying to the email.
Create new topic
Click “
New Topic”.
Choose a relevant category.
You can add tags (e.g. “cto” or “dols”).
Anonymous posting
- Just log in, click on your profile circle (top right), then , then “ Enter Anonymous Mode”. Afterwards, click “ Exit Anonymous Mode”.
Notifications appear at the top right of the screen alongside a number, and sometimes are sent by email.
You can apply the following levels to categories, tags or topics:
Watching first post,
Normal, or
The default is
Watching first post for the “Law and practice” subcategories and the “Site feedback” category, and
Watching for any topic to which you add a reply.
- You can change any of your preferences on your preferences page – including notification preferences (in particular your category notification preferences) and email preferences (to receive more or fewer emails).
- The badges come as part of the forum software, e.g. you will get a “Read guidelines” badge for reading this page. It’s a bit of fun and you can just ignore it.