Tribunal victims guidance. Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 'Practice Guidance: Procedure for handling representations from victims in the Mental Health jurisdiction (HESC)' (23/8/23)

— This detailed guidance has the following headings: (1) Background; (2) Open justice (3) Victims; (4) The role of victim liaison officers; (5) Preliminary matters; (6) Victims who wish to know the date of the next hearing; (7) Victims who wish to provide documents, written information or submissions to the tribunal; (8) Victims representations relating to possible discharge conditions; (9) Application from a victim to attend the hearing; (10) Disclosure of the victim’s evidence to the patient; (11) Sharing the tribunal’s conditions of discharge with the victim; (12) Sharing the tribunal’s decision or reasons for the decision with the victim; (13) Further review.
Full details available at:,_%27Practice_Guidance:_Procedure_for_handling_representations_from_victims_in_the_Mental_Health_jurisdiction_(HESC)%27_(23/8/23)?id=110923-2053