Does anybody know the current situation with the MHA patient information leaflets?
The only two I can find now on are the s135 and s136 leaflets from 2018. The others have been archived for ages – but someone pointed out to me recently that the archive of the web page has moved and the leaflets themselves have disappeared.
Could anyone send me copies of them?
The following is an extract from MHLO’s Mental Health Act 1983 information leaflets page, but it will have to be updated:
On 15/10/08 the Department of Health published updated information leaflets, to be used from 3/11/08. They were then amended to reflect changes made on 1/4/09, namely the introduction of IMHAs and the replacement of the MHAC with the CQC. The leaflet “Your right to complain to the CQC” was revised on 19/10/09. The following leaflets have been archived, so their current status is unknown, and are available here: Mental Health Act 1983 information leaflets on Department of Health website
Thank you.