Re AA [2021] EWCOP 70 & Re AA [2020] EWCOP 66

Can I ask the MHLO hive mind if anyone knows if the recent [name deleted] case is the follow up to Re AA (Capacity to consent to sexual practices) [2020] EWCOP 66? It reads like it is (the judge doesn’t give a reference though), and if it is i am interested to know whether the other issues from Re AA are/have been resolved, that being AEA, consent to sexual relations and contact with others. From reading the judgement it appears that AA does now in fact have capacity in relation to contact and sex but no mention of AEA. Any ideas / thoughts from anyone?

I had to unlist this topic at the time, because it soon transpired that the 2021 judgment should have been anonymised before publication. You were quite right to think the two judgments were about the same person.

Fortunately, Neil Allen (AA’s barrister) let me know today that an anonymised version has been published. This is available here: Re AA (Social media and internet use) [2021] EWCOP 70. Unfortunately, I don’t know any further details about the case beyond what is in the published judgments.

Thanks Jonathan, I read the judgment last night and I was glad that the judge reached the conclusion that he did Re the use of the internet and social media.