Obtaining medical and other records

If you want to understand what is really going on: your mother, or you with your mother’s permission, can make subject access requests to the council, trust and CCG. Ask for all emails, records and reports relevant to your mother. You should be able to do this online at no cost.

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Hello autolycos,

Yes I know about this FOI right and we have obtained some information in this way but it took 6 months and many documents were missing or redacted. We need the latest information as it is happening. Real transparency not historical.




Sorry to hear that you did not get the Subject Access Request information promptly. The experience with my local organisations has been much better. Did you apply to all three organisations? Did they all take 6 months? 6 months is way more than the ICO’s time limit. See: What to expect after making a subject access request | ICO You have the right to complain if you are not satisfied with the information or the delay. You could repeat the requests to get more recent information. Making requests in your own right might flush out further information e.g. internal emails about your efforts to resolve this issue.

Hello autolycos,

It was just the trust we got the SAR from not council/CCG. Yes it may be worth making some more FOI requests as you suggest. I also want to access her full medical records. How would I do this?




You will need to apply to each organisation that holds medical records as, for example, a mental heath trust would not hold medical records. These would be held by a different hospital trust.

See: Can I access someone else's medical records (health records)? - NHS

A post was split to a new topic: Personal data breach