Hi can anyone help with allocating /referencing a case of Andreas Milakovic profoundly deaf father who drowned his severely disabled son in 2007 resided by Mr Justice Holland. Case was reported in several national papers and BBC, but I just cannot find the full details. BBC NEWS | England | South Yorkshire | Man who drowned sick son detained
There doesn’t seem to have been an NHS investigation published but the BBC report quotes his solicitor a Sally Durham.
Possibly this one? Good Lawyer Guide - Sally Durham
I am new to the forum so only just spotted this question.
Given that it is a crown court matter it would not have been reported in the Law Reports. However, all crown court hearings should be recorded. So you can obtain a transcript of the hearing using the EX107 form (Form EX107: Order a transcript of court or tribunal proceedings - GOV.UK). Please read the guidance notes; it will also cost you/your employer. I will neverthless add that given the father admitted manslaughter, the court would have proceeded to sentence so that arguably, you may get from the transcript no more than what is already reported in the press especially if the sentencing occured before a judge seized of the matter from day 1 - in those circumstances counsel would not usually rehash all of the facts in full. All in all, yes you can obtain a transcript; i can see it is Sheffield Crown Court and the case would have been noted as R v Andreas Milakovic etc. All best, A.