Improving the MHLO website

What, if anything, would make you want to have Mental Health Law Online as your browser’s home page, or visit it daily at work?

What could be added or changed to make it more useful for you, or easier to use?

For instance, today I added an internet search box to the Main Page. Is that an improvement?

Feel free to email me or (preferably) reply here on the forum.


I would have added the organisations that can help such as law firms, solicitors, lawyers, healthcare centres, and health care homes.

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I’m happy with MHLO as it is. Thank you


Have you seen the Magic Book? It contains details for that sort of organisation, as well as individuals. It isn’t complete by any means, but the the good news is that anybody can add pages or edit existing pages. It’s just called the Magic Book as at an old firm that was the name for the list of hospitals, experts, counsel etc.

Hya Jonathan
I am very happy with the site! It’s informative, courteous and varied in its discussion topics
Don’t try and fix something that’s not broken!

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