FOIA request to NHS England: Section 135/136 Mental Health Act Detentions, subsequent Common Law Detentions and other actions

Following on from this National Nightmares: s136(2A) and s136B time limits - Law and practice / Mental Health Act - MHLO Forum, suggestions from 7 people to act outside the law (aka ultra vires) and my knowledge of a national situation - I have put in a lengthy FOIA request to NHS England which everyone can find here: Section 135/136 Mental Health Act Detentions, subsequent Common Law Detentions and other actions. - a Freedom of Information request to NHS England - WhatDoTheyKnow

As I put my money where my mouth is I am prepared to pay up to £2500 of costs, in excess of the £450 limit, for the information. I will make no profits nor acquire any material or non-material advantages for my costs. I have taken action purely in the interests of what is right and upholding the Will of Parliament.

If get fobbed off by NHS England I do not intend to curl up in a ball and sulk. I’ll move on to the next pubic authority that may hold the information. I could well expect to be told ‘Ask the CQC’ and there I shall go next. But NHS England is the true guardian of statutory power in health services - that’s why I went there first. No one is above the law (except certain persons on the other side of the pond).

The information I may receive eventually can be used for Judicial Review - which I may fund myself or crowd fund. And I do not seek any material or non-material advantages by doing so.

A show of support from learned persons in this forum would assist my morale, as I expect to be sent packing by the authorities.

I am grateful for your kind and not so kind comments.


Be prepared for NHS England telling you they don’t hold all the data you’re asking for.

Anything they might be prepared to share will, by definition, be highly partial.


Of course, as I mentioned.

But they don’t know me and what I am capable of. My War Room is ready!!

[I own copyright to the image - just in case]

I wish you good luck on your tough journey.
It seems incredulous that you have to take such action.
There area already clear guidelines with the various acts.
The CQC as a complete waste of time and are not fit for purpose.(Should be shut down)
If a so called regulating body can not take action when presented with things that do not comply with legal and practice requirements then this action you are taking seems to be the only way.

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Many thanks but I do not rely on luck from any source. I create my own probabilities to achieve my objectives.

Stale news! :joy::laughing::see_no_evil: But good to hear it again. LOL!

Too right! I’ve proved in another other thread from FOIA data on S62(1) situation, that they are instrumental in breaching their own code of practice (MHACOP) -

  1. thereby causing all too willing psychiatrists needing to protect their food, to defer duties to nurses for PRN medication under said S62(1)
  2. and practically indefinite prescribing under S62 for whenever a SOAD turns up.

But. but…I sharpen my axe in readiness.

The War Room is on high alert! DEFCON 1 SITUATION on a number of issues.

Hi, I read your FOIA and also part of your blogs.
Overall, what type of changes are you expecting if there is a Judicial Review? A more defined and flexible interpretation of the sections in question?

The aims and objectives of any Judicial Review are to say ‘You can’t just continue as usual like it’s nobody’s business’. You will be held to account.’

Winning a case is not the big objective. The lagal objectives of JR can be found on the Internet.

What’s happening across the land is that everybody knows of lots of things that are wrong. But nobody is willing to take action. It’s like bystander apathy.

The S135/136 issue is just the tip of an iceberg. I chose it because it’s one of the easiest to find evidence on.