Event. 39 Essex Chambers: Everything you wanted to know about s117 MHA 1983 but were afraid to ask (online, 5/9/23)

— This seminar will set out roadmaps for public authorities through s117, and answer questions about the legislation and its interpretation by the courts. Chairman: Alex Ruck Keene. Speakers: public law and COP team members. Time: 1730-1830. Cost: free. See 39 Essex Chambers website for further details (including a recording of the webinar and the slides).
Full details available at: https://www.mentalhealthlaw.co.uk/Event:39_Essex_Chambers:_Everything_you_wanted_to_know_about_s117_MHA_1983_but_were_afraid_to_ask_(online,_5/9/23)?id=240823-2041