Patient subject to CTO which would have expired on the 06/07/2024.
Recall notice completed for purpose of examining/renewing the CTO came into legal effect on the 21/06/2024 naming Hospital A.
Extended CTO due to AWOL status coming to end on the 20/12/2024 at midnight.
Issue now is the bed is likely to become available in Hospital B.
s135(2) warrant being arranged.
Is it legally possible to complete a new CTO3 naming Hospital B without breaking the above AWOL/extended CTO chain?
My thoughts are that the patient should be brought to Hospital A and then if no bed available at Hospital A for staff to complete a CTO6 to transfer to Hospital B.
Highly likely the CTO will be revoked hence need for patient to attend as an inpatient rather than outpatient.
Thoughts please.
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The RC may recall p to any hospital, not just the responsible one - see s17E(3)
Yes I understand that - however I am enquiring specifically in respect of the above situation after a recall notice has already been served, come into legal effect, triggered s18 and s21 applies.
I think your analysis must be right.
To issue a new recall notice would mean recalling a patient who has already been recalled. While the Act doesn’t expressly say you can’t do that, I think it’s implicit. Not least because, if you could, you could indefinitely extend the period for retaking an AWOL CTO patient under s18 just by issuing a new recall to a different hospital every six months.
If you can’t issue a new recall notice, then the only power you’ve got under s18 is to take the patient to the hospital specified in the original notice. From where you can then transfer them as necessary.