Change to email notifications

I’ve changed the default notification setting to :fasbellexclamation: (“watching”) for the Law and practice and Miscellaneous categories.

If you are receiving notifications by email, you’ll start to receive an email for each forum post, not just the first post in a topic. You can reply to a post by email or by visiting the forum.

You can return back to the old setting by going to the relevant category and selecting :fasbellone: (“watching first post”).

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From now on the default will be to receive a notification for the first post in each topic, instead of every post, in the Law and practice and Miscellaneous categories. This is the :fasbellone: (“watching first post”) setting.

You can choose to continue receiving notifications for every post by going to the relevant category page and choosing the :fasbellexclamation: (“watching”) setting.

Alternatives include watching individual topics which particularly interest you (by choosing the :fasbellexclamation: setting on the relevant topic pages) or turning off emails entirely (on your preferences page) and just visiting the site to read topics.

The reason for the change is that there are quite a lot of posts these days – I don’t want you to feel inundated with emails, and in any event it’s getting expensive to send them.

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Email notifications are starting to cost me a small fortune! Currently the default is that you’re “watching first post”, which means you get an email for every new topic.

I’m going to change the default so that you’re “tracking” the relevant categories. You’ll still be shown a count of new/unread posts when you visit the forum, but you won’t get notifications.

But feel free to change this by going to the relevant category and choosing the relevant icon (they look like bells) or by going to the Tracking preferences page.

Please let me know if you have any queries.