What circumstances allow covering responsible clinicians to attend Mental Health Review Tribunals and Mental Health Act Manager Reviews?

Thank you Jonathan and Rand for your replies to my question about RCs at MHMRs and MHRTs.
Jonathan - I cannot see anything in the Regulations about an RC being covered by a doctor who is not the RC at either Hospital Manager or Tribunal hearings,
I think that the law requires the RC who is named on the original section papers or signs the H5 renewing the detention or the M2 barring an NR application - should attend hearings and speak to the RC Report submitted to the HMs or MH Tribunal panel.
What I am asking is whether it is accepted practice for the RC to be replaced at these hearings which is what I have experienced and wonder how widespread this is.
Rand - You say that Forms H5 and M2 trigger Hospital Manager Reviews but these hearings are not covered by MHRT regulations. In fact there is NO legal requirement for Managers to Review renewals of detention or barring orders. Hospital Managers do have the power to discharge patients from detention but only if the patient requests a hearing or the authority decides to have a hearing.

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