We all know (or ought to know) what’s wrong with the system(s).
Some may see a pattern ‘across the Empire’:
- Police
- Education
- Health
- Social care
- Finance industries
- Politics
On a related note to the above pattern, how many prosecutions have their been under S127 MHA 1983 (Amended 2007)? How many prosecutions by the CQC under Health and Social Care Act (which covers duties to by Trusts to have capacity/consent adequately assessed)? Google won’t provide you with hundreds in each category. You may be lucky to find this one University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust pays fixed penalties of £8,000 for failures around consent - Care Quality Commission
I’ll soon be finding out the full scale of inertia - I hope - via FOIA requests.
When no one is looking, no one is checking, no one is holding anyone to account - the law becomes a toothless tiger.
Rights - especially in the UK - are ‘cheap’ unless you’re fortunate enough to get to the Supreme Court and be awarded £5 million [Montgomery 2015].